Share Your Story

spia_lettersEveryone affected by Lupus has a story. All of our stories share some basic elements but as Lupus does not affect two people the same, our stories are vary. Whether you are a Lupus sufferer or know someone who is, I invite everyone to share their story. The more people share their stories, the more the general population will gain a better understanding of what Lupus is and the effects it has.

To share your story, please email it to me at Include the name you would like included and link to your personal website if you have one. If you do not specify what name you would like credited to your story, then I will use the name from you email address. I want to ensure your privacy so please specify how you would like your information to be displayed so that I can better facilitate this. If you would like any pictures or other media to be displayed in your story, please include it in your email. Please try to have all finished projects into me by Midnight PDT on May 8 for the World Lupus Day update on May 10, and Midnight PDT on October 28 for Lupus Awareness Month updates.

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