Write A Poem

5ad15e16675636dee1877ca69bcfc6dcBeside sharing your story, I invite people to write poems about Lupus. Some themes can include butterflies, specific symptoms, personal struggles or personal journeys. The possibilities are limitless.

To share your poetry, please email it to me at lupus@lupusartgallery.com. Include the name you would like included and link to your personal website if you have one. If you do not specify what name you would like credited to your story, then I will use the name from you email address. I want to ensure your privacy so please specify how you would like your information to be displayed so that I can better facilitate this. If you would like any pictures or other media to be displayed with your poetry, please include it in your email. Please try to have all finished projects into me by Midnight PDT on May 8 for the World Lupus Day update on May 10, and Midnight PDT on October 28 for Lupus Awareness Month updates.

6 Responses to Write A Poem

  1. I wanted to share a poem that has helped me tremendously throughout my life with Lupus. Whoever wrote this poem, it’s amazing. She/he was able to capture the feelings I have so many days.

    by: Anonymous

    It’s just a tear
    Rolling down her cheek
    Doesn’t mean she’s weak

    Just to much dealt
    A fact of life
    Unable to be
    A mother and wife

    Hating to ask for help
    Wanting to be whole
    Sitting immobile
    Playing a role

    Observing Life
    Instead of playing a part
    Day by day
    Literally breaks her heart

    No tight jeans
    No standing tall
    No participation
    Hurts most of all

    She wants to work hard
    Give everyday it’s chance
    And by Saturday Night
    Be ready to dance

    Still she hold hope
    No matter how small
    Tomorrow will be better
    Tomorrow she won’t fall

    That crazy optimism
    Keeps her going
    And for everyone else
    Keeps life flowing

    So it’s just a tear
    Rolling down her cheek
    But it’s a big deal
    Because it makes her feel weak.

  2. […] I wrote the following poem in honour of my dance teacher, Catherine Boeckner, when she died very suddenly due to the complications of Lupus in 2002. If it was not for her, I probably would have continued to go misdiagnosed for many more years. She was a role model to many and taught me and others a great deal about how to survive living with Lupus. Because of this, I am including here as part of the Write A Poem project. […]

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