Tears – Submitted by Jenn Pollner

5ad15e16675636dee1877ca69bcfc6dcThe following poem was left by Jenn Pollner in the comments section of Write A Poem project. It has helped her a lot throughout her own life living with Lupus.


by: Anonymous

It’s just a tear
Rolling down her cheek
Doesn’t mean she’s weak

Just to much dealt
A fact of life
Unable to be
A mother and wife

Hating to ask for help
Wanting to be whole
Sitting immobile
Playing a role

Observing Life
Instead of playing a part
Day by day
Literally breaks her heart

No tight jeans
No standing tall
No participation
Hurts most of all

She wants to work hard
Give everyday it’s chance
And by Saturday Night
Be ready to dance

Still she hold hope
No matter how small
Tomorrow will be better
Tomorrow she won’t fall

That crazy optimism
Keeps her going
And for everyone else
Keeps life flowing

So it’s just a tear
Rolling down her cheek
But it’s a big deal
Because it makes her feel weak.

One Response to Tears – Submitted by Jenn Pollner

  1. This is absolutely beautiful. I’m not a mother and a wife yet but the tears does make me feel weak ;(

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